CPA vs accountant

CPA or Certified Public Accountant and Accountant perform practically the same functions. But the fact is that not all accountants can be certified public accounts and all CPA’s are accountants.

An accountant is someone who deals with financial records. An accountant would have a good understanding of an owner’s equity, a cash flow, a chart of accounts and a balance sheet, as well as how they will affect the business.

An accountant is responsible for the accounting of an individual or a business. The accountant is responsible for publishing financial reports. Accountants do not have to be certified professionals.

On the other hand, the CPA is a professionally regulated by the state. An accountant can become a CPA only if he passes certain tests conducted by the respective institutes of a country. The profession is becoming a certified professional.

By comparing the work of the two professions, an accountant can not do the work that an accountant can do.

An accountant can not do the same job as a chartered accountant for CPA. Unlike the accountant, the Certified Public Accountant occupies a more important place in the financial and commercial circles. These are certified public accounts that are able to give advice on the financial aspects of a business. The CPA is more confident than an accountant in financial matters. Even if an accountant’s opinions are valued, the last word is always a Certified Public Accountant.

More than pass the test, CPA have a strict code of ethics. Every two years, APCs should take 80 hours of professional training to keep up with new trends in accounting.


1. All accountants can not be certified public accounts and all CPA’s are accountants.
2. An accountant can not do the work that a certified public accountant can do.
3. It is the certified public accounts that are able to give advice on the financial aspects of a business.
4. The CPA is more confident than a financial accountant.
5. Even if an accountant’s points f view are valued, the last word is always a Certified Public Accountant.
6. The CPA is a professionally regulated by the state.
7. Certified public accounts are better able to provide advice on the financial aspects of a business than an accountant.

Pac also deals in Difference between CA and ACCA.For

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