ITIL Foundation

Is ITIL certification worth your time and effort?

Is ITIL certification worth your time and effort?

All of us have aspired to have some sort of technical certification to enhance our career. According to Wikipedia, a professional certification is one “where a person is certified as being able to competently complete a job or task, usually by the passing of an examination and/or the completion of a program of study.”

However, increasingly certifications (or rather ITIL certification) and training programs are becoming a ‘thing to add in your resume’, and not delivering the value they are supposed to bring. During my casual conversations at events and meet-ups, a common underlying theme has been about the mismatch between the performance of people (with certifications) and the knowledge they have gained from those certifications.

ITIL Foundation

Given the above premise, does having an ITIL certification really help you professionally? Does an ITIL certification really solve everything? Here’s my take on whether an ITIL certification is worth the buck and time!

How does ITIL certification work?

ITIL Foundation is split into five stages, namely foundation, practitioner, intermediate, expert and master levels. Each of these levels has different requirements for appearing, clearing and is awarded a specific set of credits. For instance, one needs to have a total of 22 credits to be certified as an expert. Apart from these, there are complementary certifications that help you reach the expert level faster. Here’s an overview of the various levels and credits.

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