Modern types of filling materials

Today, various materials are used to fill teeth. Some of them have been used in dentistry for several decades, others have been developed recently. When treating teeth in a good clinic, you will definitely be offered several options for filling materials to choose from. But how do they differ, in addition to price?

The need for fillings arises, since the hard tissues of the tooth “cannot” regenerate, and therefore need to be replaced with artificial materials.

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What are seals for?

Depending on the purpose, the fillings are divided into temporary and permanent. Temporary fillings are installed for a short period of time – usually up to two weeks. As a rule, a medicine is laid under such a seal, but there are also materials that contain drugs in their composition. The purpose of installing a temporary filling is to isolate the tooth cavity for the duration of treatment or until the next visit to the dentist if the treatment is carried out in several sessions.

In addition, temporary fillings can be placed for diagnostic purposes, so that the doctor is convinced that the infection did not penetrate the soft tissues of the tooth. In this case, after removing the damaged dentin, the dentist installs a temporary filling for several months. If during this time the pulpitis does not develop, it means that you can not be afraid of complications and you will establish a permanent seal. Otherwise, the dental nerve has to be removed, after which a permanent filling is also established.

Permanent fillings are used not only to protect the internal tissues of the tooth after medical procedures, but also to restore its functionality and aesthetic appearance.

Clinic – high-quality dental treatment!

The result of treatment depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor, but also on the quality of the filling material

Temporary fillings

The material for temporary filling should have the following characteristics:

  • guarantee tightness for perfect protection of the internal tissues of the tooth, even with short-term use;
  • provide excellent adhesion to the “native” dentin;
  • Do not collapse from chewing load and do not dissolve in saliva;
  • do not have allergic and other negative effects;
  • to be simple and convenient to use;
  • easy to remove after expiration.

Depending on the curing method, materials for temporary fillings are divided into chemical (eugenol, non-eugenol) and light curing compositions:

eugenolic materials are widely used, sufficiently strong, effective and inexpensive, however, they can interfere with the polymerization of composites, that is, permanent fillings that will be installed in place of temporary ones;

eugenol-free (synthetic) are deprived of this minus, however, depending on the composition, they may have such disadvantages as low strength and a long solidification time;

light-curing seals are the most advanced materials that are highly stable and quick to install. At the same time, they are easily removed even without the aid of a drill.

Today, for temporary fillings, materials such as Foscin, Unifas, Dentin-paste, Provikol and many others are used.

Some filling materials, for example, “Unifas” and “Fuji 1”, were previously used for permanent fillings, and with the advent of more modern formulations, they were used as temporary fillings with an extended service life.

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Permanent Filling Materials

The requirements for modern materials for permanent fillings are even more stringent. Such filling materials should:

  • differ in strength, be resistant to wear and mechanical stress;
  • Do not adversely affect the teeth, oral cavity and the body as a whole;
  • Do not deform upon hardening or thermal expansion;
  • reliably adhere to the “native” tooth tissues;
  • possess thermal insulation properties;
  • provide easy installation and formation of seals;
  • to serve for many years and even decades;
  • to have an aesthetically attractive look, which is especially important today, when a beautiful smile is one of the key factors in the image.

Materials for permanent fillings can be divided into three groups:

  • Metallic materials (amalgams). Consist of various metals, including mercury. The advantage of this material is durability – such a seal can last for several decades. However, the disadvantages of amalgam are very significant – this is a possible harmful effect of mercury, visibility in the tooth tissues, their darkening. Today, metal seals are almost never used.
  • The most common material in clinical dentistry. Depending on the composition, cements are divided into subgroups (silicate, zinc phosphate, silicophosphate, ionomers). From which group the cement belongs, its characteristics also depend. So, zinc phosphate cements are plastic and have good thermal insulation properties, but they have low mechanical strength and low aesthetics, therefore, as permanent fillings, they are mainly used for artificial crowns. And ionomers are characterized by excellent adhesion, low thermal conductivity and satisfactory aesthetic characteristics, but have long-term hardening and are sensitive to moisture during hardening. For more information on the properties of the cement seals used, please contact your doctor .

In addition to use as fillings, cements can perform other functions. For example, the Vitrebond material is used as a lining material, that is, to protect the soft tissues of the tooth from exposure to permanent fillings.

Composites One of the most popular materials in modern dentistry based on synthetic resin and silica powder. Due to the excellent aesthetic properties, composites are actively used not only for filling, but also to restore the shape of teeth, including front incisors. The advantages of this filling material also include high abrasion resistance and ease of use – the seal hardens under the influence of a light source. The disadvantages of comosites include only a higher cost compared to other materials.

There are a lot of composite compositions today, the best of them are produced in countries:

Composite fillings harden with UV light

Light-cured fillings – the last word in clinical dentistry

Clinic – the most advanced filling materials for your health!

In our clinic for the manufacture of temporary and permanent fillings you will be offered the most advanced materials. For temporary fillings, our doctors use Clip and Septo-pack formulations, due to which dental treatment will no longer be associated with unpleasant emotions.

Clip is a light-cured material of elastic consistency, which is easily inserted into and removed from the prepared cavity. Doctors of our clinic can establish a temporary seal for you from this material:

  • in the treatment of deep caries;
  • with a remote filling method that promotes the production of replacement dentin;
  • in the treatment and filling of root canals.

Septo-  modern bezevgenolny material that hardens when exposed to moisture, and excellent oral ensures sterility of the treated area. Septopack is a material of a wide range of applications. In addition to conventional temporary fillings, it is used:

  • to displace the gums in the treatment of cervical caries (lesions at the very edge of the gum);
  • in periodontology as a protective dressing that helps reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

You can also choose the most modern and high-tech materials as permanent fillings in our clinic. If you prefer cement fillings, the doctor will offer materials such as Silidont (a composition with high strength and adhesion for filling the lateral teeth and the contact surfaces of the front teeth) and Vitremer (a unique glass ionomer material for filling and restoration of the dentition).

One of the advantages of is its rich selection of shades.

The filling must match the color of natural dentin

If you want to install an invisible and durable composite seal, our experts will recommend Sigma Quick from the company Dental. This nanocomposite, consisting of 82% silicon-zirconium filler, is characterized by high strength and minimal polymerization shrinkage. Other advantages of the material:

  • universality in application;
  • wide color gamut (20 opalescent shades);
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • minimal abrasion.

Sigma Quick is excellent at restoring the frontal and chewing teeth. The submicron filler of this composition will help restore absolutely all surfaces of the tooth. And the possibility of high-quality polishing ensures that the natural and attractive shine of the dentition stays with you for a long time.

Due to the excellent characteristics of the materials used by our doctors, treatment at the Clinic will always be of high quality and comfortable for you. Do you want your teeth to be healthy and beautiful? Choose the clinic “” and sign up right now. The consultation is completely free!

For more information visit our website Versailles Dental Clinic



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