Office Bleaching Opalescence: A Quick Way to a Snow-White Smile

Want your teeth to delight others with whiteness? Today on the market there are many whitening products. Clinic invites you to try cabinet whitening Opalescence – one of the most popular teeth whitening technologies in the world.

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What is Opalescence?

Opalescence Clinical Teeth Whitening System was developed by the American manufacturer Ultradent over twenty years ago. During this time, the quality and effectiveness of the technology has been appreciated by millions of people around the world. Of course, the system itself continued to develop during this time, relying on clinical experience and the wishes of dentists and their clients.

Clinic offers you two options for teeth whitening using Opalescence technology:

Opalescence Boost is a professional bleaching system based on hydrogen peroxide (40%) with the addition of sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate. The product comes in two 2.5 ml syringes with a whitening gel and activator, which are mixed before use. Since the activation of the bleaching preparation is carried out chemically, you do not need to use a laser during the procedure. The kit includes a means to protect the gums.

Opalescence Boost is for clinical use only! Using it at home can damage your gums!

Opalescence PF is a carbamide peroxide-based home care product that also contains sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate. The kit includes 2.5 ml syringes with the finished product (options with a concentration of 10% PF, 15% PF, 20% PF are available). The composition is laid in special mouthguards that the doctors of our clinic will produce for you according to an individual cast. This provides maximum gum protection from the chemical effects of the whitening system. Mouthguards are worn for several hours a day or at night.

In addition to the whitening system itself, the manufacturer offers related products that will help you achieve the best result, save you from side effects and help keep teeth whiter for longer.

Opalescence Endo – is used for intracoronal whitening if the dentin of the tooth has changed color after depulpation and filling of the canals.

UltraEZ – mouthguards with a special gel that reduces tooth sensitivity after whitening and clinical brushing.

Opalescence whitening toothpaste – protects teeth from repeated darkening, successfully fights the appearance of surface stains when drinking coffee, red wine, smoking.

Opalescence system brightens teeth by 5 tones and more

Opalescence Professional Whitening – a Hollywood smile in just an hour!

Differences between the Opalescence system and publicly available teeth whitening products

Teeth whitening with Opalescence is not cheap. Therefore, you may have a question: why resort to a professional procedure if the whitening paste is much cheaper, and you can buy it at any supermarket or pharmacy?

In fact, when using conventional whitening pastes, you cannot count on a serious effect. Such formulations contain only finely abrasive particles that can mechanically remove surface stains – however, this will require several weeks of constant use. But with systematic use, such pastes contribute to faster abrasion of enamel, that is, damage the teeth. Moreover, dentin begins to shine through the enamel, which has a yellowish tone, as a result of which the teeth may appear even darker than before using whitening pastes.

With a cabinet whitening system, you get the real result. The active substance penetrates the enamel, brightening its inner layers. Opalescence can cope with spots that no bleaching products from the mass market can do – deep yellowing of enamel due to smoking or staining of teeth after prolonged use of antibiotics.

Using the Opalescence system, you can achieve brightening of the teeth by five tones and even more. The procedure lasts less than an hour – but you can enjoy the excellent result of Opalescence whitening for up to three years.

Active whitening preparations act only on the tissues of natural teeth. Clinical whitening cannot work on fillings, crowns, implants. To avoid color contrast, bleach before any restoration of the dentition.

Why Opalescence?

Many clinics offer deep tooth whitening using an alternative laser procedure. Why did we focus on Opalescence and what is the difference between these two methods?

Gentle effect.

The active substance of the bleaching composition is activated chemically, there is no need to use a laser. This saves you from aggressive light exposure, guarantees the absence of burns, discomfort and tissue damage, which may be accompanied by laser whitening.

More affordable price.

Whitening with Opalescence does not require equipping the clinic with expensive additional equipment, and therefore the procedure will cost you less than bleaching with a laser.

More reliable and lasting result.

As a rule, with laser whitening, the patient has to make a second visit to the doctor, while with Opalescence you will achieve the desired result in one fairly short procedure.

A nice bonus is the healing effect on the teeth.

Thanks to the sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate included in Opalescence, during the whitening process, the drug strengthens the enamel of your teeth and gives them protection against caries. When using laser whitening, remineralization must be carried out separately.

The possibility of home use.

If you do not want to spend a long time in the dentist’s chair, you can choose the Opalescence system for home whitening and use it at a convenient time and in comfortable conditions.

Opalescence restores natural whiteness to teeth but cannot fundamentally change the color of dentin. As a rule, the maximum achievable shade of the teeth approximately corresponds to the color of the whites of the eyes.

Teeth Whitening: Before and After

Before and After: Professional Opalescence Whitening

How does teeth whitening work with Opalescence

The nature of the teeth whitening procedure with Opalescence depends on which scheme is selected – cabinet or home.

For cabinet bleaching:

  • The doctor sets the color of your teeth on a special scale, determines the achievable result and calculates the concentration of the active substance.
  • A light-curing composite composition OpalDam is applied along the gums, which, solidifying, forms a protective barrier that does not allow the active substance of the whitening gel to enter the mucous membrane.
  • A bleaching gel 0.5–1 mm thick is applied to the front surface of the teeth, which remains on the teeth for 10–20 minutes.
  • After the procedure, the gel is thoroughly removed with a dental vacuum cleaner to prevent it from getting into the mouth and soft tissues.
  • The gel is applied repeatedly for another 15-20 minutes.
  • The gel is again removed with a vacuum cleaner, the teeth are thoroughly washed. The whole procedure will take you no more than an hour!
  • For home bleaching, special mouthguards are used that are filled with the active substance.

The Opalescence Go system is the best choice for those who do not want to spend a long time in the dentist’s chair

For home use:

  • The dentist takes an impression from the patient’s teeth to make a mouthguard.
  • Using proprietary equipment, the dentist makes a transparent mouthguard and selects the necessary concentration of the gel.
  • You get a mouthguard, gel and detailed instructions on hand.
  • Depending on the concentration, the mouthguard with the gel can be worn for several hours a day or worn overnight.
  • You will notice the result after about a week of use.

Does Opalescence have flaws?

Some patients report increased tooth sensitivity after bleaching with Opalescence. Most often this occurs with an incorrectly calculated dose and can lead to significant discomfort, especially if the teeth have cracks and other damage to the enamel. That is why we do not recommend you use the drug yourself, but we recommend that you consult a doctor who:

  • select the optimal amount of active substance for you;
  • will give instructions for subsequent care to minimize possible discomfort after the procedure;
  • if necessary, carry out remineralization and other necessary procedures.

The use of Opalescence is contraindicated in pregnant women, as well as people with gum disease, tooth decay, increased enamel abrasion and exposure of the root of the tooth neck.

If you want to return your teeth a snow-white color, contact the Clinic – our specialists will save your teeth from yellowing and stains with maximum results and minimal discomfort for you. You can be sure of the responsible approach of our doctors. They will qualitatively carry out the whitening procedure and will advise on oral sanitation, brushing and other problems that it is important to get rid of before the procedure. Opalescence teeth whitening prices are presented on the website. Sign up for a free consultation.

For more information visit our website Versailles Dental Clinic



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