حبوب تحت الجلد

Treatments And Tips For Getting Rid Of Acne And Pimples

حبوب تحت الجلد

Acne, pimples and oily bumps are among the problems that all women and men suffer from during puberty, and they usually appear on the face, shoulders, back and upper arms, their shape is always annoying and not beautiful, and the reason behind their appearance may be genetics, infection, hormones, lifestyle or an increase Psychological stress, and acne is common in general, and it is a skin problem that begins when fat and dead skin cells clog the pores of the skin for one of the reasons mentioned, but we may think that once puberty passes, it will disappear and in fact it may continue to appear even after puberty, and there are many home remedies. Effective to remove pimples and acne, and it is the first solution you think of, and among these treatments are the following:

Acne treatment with lemon (using Lemon Juice)

Lemons have powerful natural astringent and antibacterial properties, and lemon juice has the ability to cleanse the skin. To get the best results, you must apply lemon juice directly to the skin and leave it for up to an hour, then wash the face with warm water, and it is recommended to apply a lemon mask for 15 days.

Lemon peel is also very useful, so it is advised to wipe the skin with the inner white lemon rind before washing it with water.

And in the end, make sure to wash your face with lemon juice, after that, use a sunblock. Citric acid can whiten the skin and thus may be susceptible to sun damage.

Apple cider vinegar

It has the same effect as lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar has the same antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Apple cider vinegar is very strong, and it must be diluted when using it, at least in the beginning, and all you have to do is apply a small amount to your skin, but you must make sure that you choose the concentrated type (undiluted vinegar) to get the best results.

Washing the face with apple cider vinegar removes pimples and fights wrinkles and signs of aging.

 Egg whites

It has a magical ability to tighten skin pores, tighten and narrow, as well as proteins that help the skin self-repair and absorb excess sebum.
All you have to do is whisk an egg white with a spoonful of lemon juice, then clean your face well, and you have to put this mask on your face until it starts to dry out and crack, and then wash it with lukewarm water.


By drinking 10-12 cups of water a day, you can flush out impurities from your body. It is not possible to drink any type of water, such as tap water, as it contains toxins and some microbes, so it is preferable to drink distilled or mineral water, and it is preferable to drink it on an empty stomach so that it is more effective, and although water alone will not eliminate acne, it will help a lot In keeping the skin healthy, it will fight acne in the long run.

Also, you can boil a bowl of water, place a towel on your head and then place your head on the bowl to get the benefits of the steam. Steam can help open pores and release impurities and dirt.

Visit Also: حبوب تحت الجلد أبو ظبي

There are a lot of different ways that you can treat acne naturally when you use them. These are some of the best natural remedies to treat pimples quickly, there are many methods, if you try to use one of them and you are not satisfied, you have to try another method and you will eventually find an ideal method that works for you.

Laser Treatment

Laser is one of the advanced treatment methods for acne problems as well as treating the acne scars it leaves on the surface of the skin, but researchers found that it has a therapeutic value as well, as it burns the sebaceous glands in the face and hair follicles and kills the bacteria that cause acne.

Treating acne by laser requires a visit to a specialized dermatologist, as it usually takes four sessions over a period of two weeks to show the desired results. In general, determining the number of sessions and the speed of appearance of results depends on the condition and the type of skin, and it is worth noting that laser treatments are completely painless and safe.

Preventative measures must be taken after laser treatment, as the skin exposed to the laser is sensitive to that, the affected area must be kept clean, using a specially formulated skin disinfectant, and skin care products that contain fats or oils must be avoided, and direct sunlight must be avoided. this time.

In Dubai Center,  we have the best consultant doctors and specialists in dermatology and lasers, with local and international expertise at a high level, who propose well-known and approved solutions to remove acne and its effects for each case according to its severity.

Topical treatment

For people of medium and moderate degrees, we use creams, moisturizers or gels that are applied directly to the affected area to kill bacteria and open the pores. This method is applied together with oral antibiotics.

Chemical Peels

The chemical peeling formula varies according to the condition of the skin, and this is what the specialist doctor decides. Acidic solutions are applied to the affected area to neutralize the acne area by killing bacteria and by removing layers of dead and damaged skin cells. This method may need to be repeated to reach the desired results.

 Laser Skin Resurfacing

This method is considered the best and it fights acne and is suitable for all skin types. In this advanced method, fractional CO2 laser fractional laser technology is used to renew the surface of the skin, kill acne-causing bacteria and open the pores responsible for the formation of acne, by shedding fractional CO2 laser beams. To affect the area to be treated without damaging the periphery of the skin, this treatment promotes collagen production and produces new, smoother and healthier skin.

For more information visit website www.ar.dermaclinic.ae


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