
For many years we have discovered the increase in the cost of Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, and we were surprised by what actually happened. And we know that we will not be alone. Many of our readers are also surprised by the impact they have on the letters.


So we decided to try it. I got a bouquet of pink fatty fats, a very beautiful bouquet, but even popular in the United States, five different online florists who did not search the price per week.


The following items show our results. Of course, we know that Valentine’s day will be expensive, but I was a little surprised that the red color was redundant during the summer because of a number of florists, although most often refurbished very quiet and affordable, though in February, of course.



Looking at this graph, it is very easy to reach a conclusion about the value of the price, right? But our investigations are contained in the price of the gear revealing that something may be far from the truth. We wanted to know what was behind the data, the story was actually counted. Florists need to be profitable, of course, and Love Day is definitely the highest at the peak. What we found was much harder than this. Although many flowers are treated with normal retail products, they are actually very poor agricultural production, which displays all kinds of problems and conditions that can affect the price per day.

Blooming flowers and blooms are hard work.

The animal is cleared, the flowers should be planted and cultivated, before the action in February. “After the full Christmas claim, the poets need 50 to 70 days to produce an awards ceremony for Valentine’s Day,” said Liz Castoro, Associated Director of Public Relations, at 1-800-Flowers. “Valentine encourages the main needs of the drought, and several [sacrificial] pigments to create a single growth.


When the need is increased, not as gardener simply call the factory and tell them to increase productivity. The job is to hire to collect the stem by stem. It does not seem to be resumed; If more people want to be in immediate danger, farmers must hire more workers to get their harvest time so they can send florists. If there are many flowers sent, which means a lot of cars, extra airplanes to florists. Who collects the cost of all the additional staff? Do what you do.


That does not even consider the local conditions for growth. If a hurricane destroys a blanket designed for Valentine’s Day, or drought is undermine, limited limits will lead to rising prices.


Where the bloom is growing a lot.

In the United States, the Day of Love falls into the middle of our yearly process. Do not you know Roses? But diarrhea is the rate, so it must be sent to a place. Most of the flowers we get during the winter are extracted from places like Colombia, Ecuador, even Kenya, according to a report from the Pakistani newspaper. Compared to the summer, when the snow is higher than domestic manufacturers, which significantly reduces transportation costs for the summer months.


The best time to ask for flowers bloom.

Some internet florists allow customers to apply flowers for up to 30 days before. Our report shows that the opening price will begin to increase in mid-January, and for a long time wait, the expensive price will be. Therefore, we recommend that you receive your order during January 15 to check the lower price. Castoro agreed that early ban on placement is hard. “Specifically, Valentine’s Day, we encourage the customers to advance orders and store up to 40% on our special Valentines collection.”

In a brief note on Brad’s application, Teleflora agreed that the timetable for the child is now a good decision. “Because of the great demand for flowering during Valentine’s Day, the overall price of blossoms has increased in all areas … especially after February 14, which is due to my marketing, we encourage the customers to go ahead!


Other tips to save money about Valentine’s Day flowers.

Always check the tickets

However, if you wait, you should not be lucky. Our information does not analyze whether the receipts are available or not, but you can count on a number or less of the special ticket and advertising rules that can attract a few dollars in the base price. Look at these flowering websites, which have a history of providing a discounted fuel discount for up to Valentine’sDay 

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